Our Team
Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission statement as defined by the DfES is

"Sports Colleges will raise standards of achievement in PE and sport for all their students across the ability range.

They will be regional focal points for excellence in PE and community sport, extending links between families of schools, sports bodies and communities, sharing resources and developing and spreading good practice, helping to provide a structure through which young people can progress to careers in sport and PE.

Sports Colleges will increase participation in PE and sport for pre and post 16 year olds and develop the potential of talented performers."

Richard Caborn, Minister for Sport added to this recently by saying:

Specialist Sports Colleges will play an important role in helping to deliver the Government's Plan for Sport. They will become important hub sites for school and community sport providing high quality opportunities for all young people in their neighbourhood.

At Benfield School we also have an ethos of pride - this is reflected in our school motto of "Pride in Performance". Within the Sports College we also believe that "Success is at the Heart of Everything we do".